Melon is one of the fruits that is served quite often, especially in summer.

Melon is a fruit that is quite juicy, delicious, and certainly a favorite of many people.

This fruit is indeed rich in antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients, and has many health benefits.

It can improve eyesight, regulate blood pressure, increase blood flow and increase immunity.

Melons can be a very healthy addition to the daily diet. They are perhaps one of the oldest fruits known to mankind.

According to the book Healing Foods by DK Publishing, melon is a fruit that is rich in beta carotene, vitamin C and various antioxidants, so melons are good for immune support. They also contain potassium, which normalizes blood pressure.

However, as the book says, any excess is bad.

You can also get the dangers of melon if you eat too much of it. Overeating cantaloupe can cause some side effects as well.

Reporting from Sajiansedap.grid.id the following are the bad effects of melon if eaten in excess.

1. Cause diarrhea

Melon is delicious, but don’t overdo it because this fruit contains sorbitol.

Sorbitol is one of the sugar compounds that if consumed in reasonable amounts you will be fine.

But, if it’s too much you can experience gas problems to diarrhea.

In addition, eating a lot of melon and drinking water afterwards is also not good for digestion.

2. Disrupted metabolism

Eating a lot of melon at night is not a good idea for your health.

The reason is that the digestive process at night becomes slower so that the sugar contained in melon will be difficult to digest.

Not only that, eating sweet foods such as melons at night can disrupt sleep quality and the most terrible thing is to gain weight.

Because, melons have a large percentage of natural sugars that can cause weight gain.

3. Can Increase Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes mellitus is a condition characterized by elevated blood sugar (glucose) levels.

Citing an article from NDTV Food, Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner, Shilpa Arora said, there is a danger of melon if eaten in excess by people with diabetes, which causes excess sugar which can cause high blood sugar levels.

The glycemic index of watermelon is 72, placing it in a high position, while melon has a glycemic index value of 65.

A melon may be 90 percent water by weight, but it still has 9 grams of sugar in it. So it’s best to consult a doctor before consuming it every day.

4. Disturbing the Digestive Tract

According to Ayurveda, certain food combinations can interfere with the normal functioning of the stomach and upset the balance in the body.

In his book, Ayurvedic Home Remedies, Dr. Vasant Lad provides advice for all types of melon, which is to be eaten alone. Meaning they shouldn’t be paired with anything.

Bangalore-based nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood also advised against drinking water after eating too many watermelons and melons. He mentions that this can affect the digestive tract.

5. Risk of Missing Other Important Macronutrients

The danger of melons will not come if you eat them in moderation.

Eating melon alone, can make you too full to eat foods rich in other important nutrients such as healthy fats and protein.

Even though the body still needs all the nutrients in a certain percentage to sustain and be healthy.

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